Monday, May 31, 2010

God's Blessings!! It's raining church pews!!!

We have a really neat testimony to share...
One day recently, a couple of the children and I
were visiting Lighthouse Christian Thrift Store in
Brandon, FL. While shopping I noticed that they had
2 very long church pews in their furniture area. We
have thought about getting some pews for our church,
but never found any in our "price range". I decided to
ask someone how much they were asking. In the meantime,
one of the children sent up what I call a "flare prayer"...
"Lord, if it is meant for us to have these pews, have them
give them to us for free. Amen!!" Okay...I thought that
was kinda bold, BUT definitely not impossible for GOD!!!
The young fellow that I asked about the price, ended up
bringing over the store manager and then her manager. It
ended up that they didn't just have 2--13 foot long pews,
but 8--13 foot long pews!!! They wanted to know that if
money was not an object, could we use the pews...ALL of them.
UH...let me think about it....YES>>>OF COURSE WE COULD USE THEM!!
So, I called our hubby :) tell him what was
being offered and he said, "Well, of course, we'll take them!!"
The following are pictures of those precious pews in our new
little sanctuary!! It is SO awesome how God is blessing our
little church. There is something about pews that make it feel
so much more like "church". We praise God for His miraculous
provision to a humble body of believers!! Praise the Lord for
church pews!!!




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