Thursday, January 14, 2010

A moment in "His-story"...

It is such a blessing as an adult Christian to see
precious young people eager to serve the Lord. One
way to help encourage this is for the parents to place
a special blessing on the young person as they reach
the 12 to 13 year age. One of the precious families
in our church just did this with their son. The father,
Josh, shared a short devotion with us and then prayed
a special blessing on his son, Michael. Then Steve,
our pastor, prayed for both father and son. It was a
beautiful example of "passing down a Godly heritage"
and how important it is...especially in this day and age.

God Bless you, Michael, as you seek and serve a Mighty God.
We love you, McEwen family!! You are such a blessing to us!!

Josh and Michael

Josh and Michael

Josh, Michael and Steve

Josh and Katie
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